PPAI’s Preferred Email Partner

Fees don’t help you.
So we don’t have them.

Start reaching clients and prospects now.
No annual fees, memberhip fees, or usage fees.
No fees, period.
Features & Benefits

Manage Your Contacts

Maybe you have less than 500 contacts, or maybe your list is 50,000. We have a plan for you.

End User Safe Assets Archive

1000s of supplier catalogs and flyers to use in your email and social media marketing.

24/7 Access

Burning the midnight oil? Buy, schedule, research, create. No problem DASH is always ready.

Social Media Management

8Lmedia’s tools allow you to control your social media on the same platform as your email marketing.

Digital Catalogs

ePages allows you to create and share an unlimited amount of customizable digital catalogs at no additional cost.


Best in Class Education

Renowned industry expert and speaker Cliff Quicksell, MAS+ provides educational webinars twice a month. These are approved by PPAI for CAS MAS credits.

How it works

1. Find the right fit for your business. Click here.
2. Place your order. Click here.
(If you’ve worked with us before just login to your account to place your order)
3. Step through the DASH setup wizard.
4. Start making money.
